Knowing how to treat colic

If your baby is onto a different level of crying or showing signs of chronic irritability, then the infant might probably be suffering from a severe abdominal pain caused by spasm, obstruction, or distention of any of the hollow viscerasuch as the intestinescalled "colic." Known to occur at the early stages of infancy, colic is characterized in varying levels of severity. Since this is caused by gas trapped within the intestines or spasms of new intestines, most babies experience extreme discomfort and can even develop serious digestive problems if not paid proper attention. ALL ABOUT COLIC Colic refers to the extreme end of normal crying behavior of babies with ages 3 weeks up to 3 months or from 6 to 8 weeks of age. Experts say that the amount of the baby's crying can be at varying levels and can be generally diagnosed as colic when a baby but cries extremely and excessively for more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, of for more than 3 weeks. Research shows that colic generally results from a combination of an infant's sensitive temperament, environment, and immature nervous system. These factors can easily make a baby cry and can be difficult to stop once the period started. Experts say that colic is Norman and is not usually related to serious health conditions like digestion problems. It can only lead to this if the baby develops intolerance to cow's milk protein, fructose, and transmission of medication by-products during breastfeeding. Colic can be characterized in newborn babies if they show abnormally irritable attitude or cries for no apparent reason. Aside from crying vigorously for long periods despite your consoling efforts, colic can also be distinguished when the baby shows signs of gas discomfort or abdominal bloating, has a hard and swollen stomach, knees pulled to the chest, clenched fists, flailing arms and legs, an arched back, and experiences frequent sleeplessness, irritability and fussiness. Usual symptoms of colic include extreme discomfort in a baby's tummy due to unreleased abdominal gas, but serious symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or blood or mucus in the stool are not. If you notice these symptoms, he or she might be suffering from a more serious digestive problem that needs immediate medical attention. TREATING COLIC When a baby starts to suffer from colic, he or she can be very difficult to console. For parents, especially to those first timers, colic can leave a feeling of guilt, frustration, exhaustion, confusion, and inadequacy because of the periods of distress brings to both of you. If you're baby experiences colic and you would want to treat it, there are several options available for you. But make sure that that you visit your pediatrician or doctor first before giving your child any treatment options such as medication, remedy, or supplement. Since colic is common to babies, experts say that several measures can be done at hospital or even at home. Colic treatment at home may include the use of a pacifier, gently rocking the infant using a rocking chair or lap, massaging the infant's abdomen or back, ensuring a quiet and non-stimulating environment when colic period begins, changing the baby's diet and feeding techniques especially in breastfeeding and playing relaxing music. If you want to seek medical treatment, make sure that you visit your doctor first to get prescription. Medical treatments may include simethicone drops like Maalox, Gas-X, Mylanta, and Phazyme to relieve gas, trying alternative to milk-based formulas like whey-based formulas, soy-based formulas, and hypoallergenic formulas.

Colic in babies is actually not as serious as most

Colic in babies is actually not as serious as most think. Moms and dads who are not as experienced may not agree. The crying bouts that your baby will let you suffer from will make anyone think that it is a life and death situation. It is not; but this does not mean that you will not do anything to alleviate the problem. Colic is characterized by a pain in the abdomen and the stomach. Until now, medical experts and physicians are still trying to pinpoint just what causes the colic. They still cant find the answer. Some believe that this is because of allergy while others think it is inborn. And because there is no specific cause, there is also no specific cure for the episode. Something that parents find unfortunate as colic episodes is not exactly a walk in the park. Babies, when suffering from colic, will suddenly go into shouting matches that can destroy your eardrum. What is worse is that these crying and shouting episodes can last from one hour to as long as five hours, even the whole day, depending on the severity of the colic and the way parents handle the situation. They will also become fussy and restless. Some parents tend to panic especially when this is the first time that they have seen their kids cry so loud and for so long. At one glance, they seem so inconsolable. Colic happens to babies as young as three weeks old. This is the onset of the colic. For babies who are premature, colic can start at the sixth to eighth week after the supposed to be due-date. Episodes will peak at the second month and will begin to wane at the third month. Often, colic episodes will cease by the end of the fourth month. The reason why is still a mystery for scientists, who do not even know what starts the problem in the first place. There is really no exact profile on who can get colicky. It can happen to any baby, whether they are healthy or not. Some experts believe that people colic in infants can actually be genetic as parents who have had colic when they were babies will most likely produce an offspring who will also be afflicted with colic. One of the most obvious signs of colic in babies is the crying episodes that will begin to become frequent and recurring. If the episodes happen at specific time or period of the day, usually after eating, colic may be the problem. Colic episodes can last for a few minutes to an hour and can happen many times a day. Crying will also start without any real reason unlike when they are hurt or hungry. Parents should also observe the moment when they stop crying or when the crying episode cease. Often, crying will stop when they have passed gas or moved their bowels. Another symptom in babies is their apparent restlessness. Because their stomach pains them, they will most likely draw their legs onto their stomachs and abdomens with their hands clenched. When you touch their abdominal muscles, they will be tense and hard. Babies also trash around and will appear to be in constant pain. Babies suffering from colic will also have red cheeks, because of the exertion in crying and in keeping the pain in check.

Remedy for Colic

Research shows that more than 20% of babies will develop Colic. This is not a disease or a disorder but parents will have to deal with the endless hours of crying until the newborn is four months of age. Is there really a permanent solution for Colic? The answer is no. The best thing that a parent can do is remedy the situation until this will gradually go away as the infant gets older. Here are some of those remedies. 1. Infants are used to having something in the mouth due to breastfeeding. Since the mothers breasts cannot be there every time, using a pacifier can help the baby stay calm thus preventing excessive crying. 2. Watching the baby cry does not do anything. The parent must remedy the colic baby by taking it out of the crib and swaying it from side to side. Sometimes the sense of touch can do wonders making the infant know that he or she is safe. It will also be a good idea to sin g a lullaby that has been known to help the child drift again to sleep. 3. Another way to remedy a colic child will be to use a CD that plays light music. Studies have shown this works similar to how the mother sings a lullaby to the child. 4. The baby will get heavier as it gets older. Instead of carrying it in the arms, another remedy will by putting the infant in the carriage and going for a stroll. Some parents have taken the child for a ride in the car, which also helps calm the newborn. 5. Giving the baby a warm bath can also help. Since this cant be done every time, the parent can put a warm bag on the belly or try massaging lotion instead. It will be a good idea to cover the pack with a towel since the temperature could be too much for the infant. 6. The type of food being eaten by the mother may also cause the child to be colic. Consulting with a dietitian help prevent this from happening as foods that produce gas are replaced with healthier ones. If the situation does not change, this is the time that medication such as Simethicone drops should be used. 7. Some mothers stop breastfeeding after the 2nd month and change this with cow milk formula. Some babies are colic because of the formula so one way to remedy it will be to change this with a soy based formula. 8. Air is the root cause of some children being colic especially when the infant is now drinking from a bottle. The parent should check the hole of the nipple since a big hole makes the baby drink more than usual. If this happens, it will be a good idea to buy a new set of nipples. A colic baby believe it or not is a healthy one. This is because the behavior it shows makes people aware of its existence and needs. There will be times that the parents will get up late at night or early in the morning to address this but this can be remedied. Before one knows it, the excessive crying will not happen anymore as the infant has adjusted to the new environment.