Too much of school
When my mom finally decided to take that plum posting as a Divisional Head,
I knew I was in trouble. Her office hours stretched way beyond my school
Equine Colic
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on Kamis, 05 November 2009
The diseases that animals and humans face are very different. Perhaps because of the biological structure or simply because a person can describe the pain while a dog, a cat or a horse is unable to do the same. It takes practice to be able to diagnose a problem with an animal. Sometimes, a sudden change could be nothing or this could be fatal. One good example is equine colic that happens to horses. Horses that suffer equine colic usually experience from abdominal pain. Veterinarians are unable to pinpoint the exact cause but attribute the problem to the food being given to the animal. Something new may have been given which causes gas to build up Stress and lack of exercise could also be the culprit. Studies show that equine colic happens more often to those raised in stables than those in the field. When the horse feels restless, decides to kick its own belly, paws or rolls on the ground, stands outstretched or has a curl on the upper lip, the owner should call a vet because these are the usual symptoms of the disease. This can only be confirmed with a more thorough exam given by the doctor that will reveal an increase in heart rate and temperature. Some medicine may be given but if it still refuses to eat, there is a very high chance that the horse will die. Treatment must be administered almost immediately since most horses die within 48 hours. Unfortunately, even if the animal survives, it may happen again which is why preventive measures must be taken. Here are some of these steps; 1. The owner or those who are in charge of taking care of the animal should follow the regular feeding schedule as well as make sure the stable is clean at all times. There must always be a sufficient supply of clean drinking water especially when the weather is hot to prevent dehydration. 2. Parasite could bring other diseases that could also make the horse sick. It will be a good idea to set up a parasite control program to prevent this from ever happening. 3. The ideal diet for a horse is processed grains. If this is not yet being used, it is advisable to do this from now on. 4. Taking the horse out for a ride will give it the much needed strength to fight off certain diseases. 5. Some owners give horses multivitamins and other drugs. Before doing so, this should be checked by the veterinarian since this could be the root cause of equine colic. 6. It is okay to give the horse hay every so often. Before doing so, it will be a good idea to check it for foreign objects that could also cause problems when it is digested. 7. Horses are unable to brush the teeth like humans. So, the person has to take care of that as part of the hygiene, which is just like cleaning the stable of waste daily. There are many types of equine colic that vets classify. These cases range from mild to severe. Since horses owners may not be able to distinguish one from the other, it is always advisable to get help immediately so the problem can be treated before it is too late.
The Truth about Colics
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Colic is so common among infants that most people are not surprise anymore when it happens. Still, for the first time mom it can be a harrowing and panicking experience especially with her normally quiet angel screaming non-stop in the background. It is usually manifested at about two to three weeks of age. It becomes more prominent during the first two months and subsides at three months old. Colic altogether stops at about three-and-a-half to four months of age. Colic is actually not so dangerous. It might seem so though from the way babies would cry and scream at the top of their lungs. In fact, it can be so common that parents may experience an episode on a daily basis; and after the first episode, parents usually learn to handle succeeding ones with aplomb. Still, physicians and scientists cannot pinpoint up until now just what exactly causes colic. It just happens. Colic, to those who are not familiar with the problem, is a stomach ache that occurs after eating. Because of the continuous pain, babies cry for hours and hours until the colic is relieved. Crying can last for about one to four hours, depending on the severity of the pain. Babies cheeks will also become red from the exertion and perhaps the pain. When there is colic, the belly of the baby may become distended or may become enlarged. One leg will be bent while the other will extended straight out. The feet will become cold and the hands clenched tight because of the pain. This is actually a common reaction for people whose stomachs pain them. Often, it will occur late in the afternoon or early in the evening after every meal. It can however also happen any time of the day. Not all babies suffer from colic and some even suffer less frequent than others. Medical experts believe that genetics play a role. It seems that if one or both parents have suffered from colic when they were babies, their offspring will also experience colic episodes. Still, there are factors that will exacerbate a colic condition in babies. Below are some of them. Read on so that you can avoid these factors and prevent your baby from further suffering. 1. Overfeeding can only worsen the situations when you have a colicky baby in your arms. Make sure that your baby is suffering from hunger and not colic before you feed him again. 2. There are certain foods that will worsen the colic. Those with high sugar content, those with undiluted juice will only increase the gas in the stomach and thus, exacerbate the condition. 3. Intestinal allergy may also cause colic so it is important for moms to know just what makes their babies allergic. It may be from something that they have directly eaten or something that you passed on through the milk in your breasts. 4. Intense feelings can also affect colic. Emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety and excitement should be avoided as this will only worsen the pain for the baby. The best way to help your baby is to first not panic and then to read up as much as possible even before an episode occurs. Nonstop crying can be a result of a host of other things so it is important that you also keep your eyes open so that you will know what exactly ails your baby. Keep in mind that there is no known cause; so there is also no known cure for it except to make the experience as comfortable and less painful as possible.