Breast Feeding Adopted Babies

Not only is breast feeding an adopted baby easy, the chances are that you will produce a large amount of milk. It isn't complicated to do, although it is different than breast feeding a baby you have been pregnant with for 9 months. Breast feeding and milk There are two objectives that are involved in breast feeding an adopted baby. The first is getting your baby to breast feed, and the other is producing enough breast milk. There is more to breast feeding than just milk, which is why many mothers are happy to feed without expecting to produce milk in the way the baby needs. It's the closeness and the bond breast feeding provides that many mothers look for. Taking the breast Even though many feel the early introduction of bottles may interfere with breast feeding, the early introduction of artificial nipples can interfere a great deal. The sooner you can get the baby to the breast after birth, the better things will be. Babies will however, require the flow from the breast in order to stay attached and continue to suck, especially if they are used to getting flow from a bottle or other method of feeding. Producing breast milk As soon as you have an adopted baby in sight, contact a lactation clinic and start getting your milk supply ready. Keep in mind, you may never produce a full milk supply for your baby, although it may happen. You should never feel discouraged by what you may be pumping before the baby, as a pump is never quite as good at extracting milk as a baby who is well latched and sucking. (word count 275) PPPPP

Yet more scare stories?

One of the ways newspapers aim to sell more copies is to blanket the front page with a scoop. Every journalist dreams of getting one - if it's sensational enough, there's a chance of the Pulitzer and national recognition. Unfortunately, there are only one or two really sensational stories out there at any one time. Most of the news is the boring same-old, same-old. That's where the editors come riding into the rescue of their corporate owners. If there are no real scoops and factual stories are not going to sell, you have to tweak the facts to make them exciting. So, suddenly, the everyday becomes scary. Why scary, you ask. Because news about danger captures people's attention. It's something built into our genes. When people lived in caves, we needed to know if there was a sabre-tooth tiger outside waiting for a meal. Today, we need to know if killer tomatoes (those are the ones coated with E.Coli from the sewage processing plant next to the farm) are being sold in our local store. That's where the FDA and scientists come into the picture. They tell us when danger lurks. So, for food, The Centers for Disease Control estimates that tens of million people are made ill by the food they eat, hundreds of thousands are hospitalized and thousands die every year in the US. Hence the stories about the killer tomatoes, leafy greens and sprouts. All of which brings us to Bisphenol A (BPA) and erectile dysfunction.

It would be wonderful if all these new stories about BPA were an exaggeration and there was nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, that may not be the case. Let's start at the beginning. BPA is everywhere. It's used to make plastic, it lines food and drink cans, and when made into epoxy resin, it sticks things together. The scientific evidence is clear. When used in packaging, it leaches into the food and drink. Most every time we eat or drink out of a can, the odds favor us consuming some BPA. This is bad for infants and, in many countries around the world, the use of BPA in baby bottles has been banned. In the US, major chains like Wal-Mart and Toy "R" Us have already removed all infant products containing BPA from their shelves. The FDA has been reviewing all the evidence and is due to report on the level of danger in the next few months. Which brings us to new research published in Human Reproduction, funded by the US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, and carried out by an American company in China. It confirms that men exposed to high levels of BPA are up to seven times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than men who have no exposure.

The potential threat is serious because damage would not be reversible. Once toxic levels are reached in men, they would become impotent and no use of levitra would be able to restore erections. For once, there is real reason to watch out for the headlines when the FDA publish their report. If BPA is found too dangerous to use, it will require a revolution in the food packaging and plastics industry to find a safe alternative. If you have erectile dysfunction now, buy levitra. It is the most powerful and effective of all the drugs used to treat this problem.