Engorged Breasts

Within the first two to three days after you have given birth, you may discover that your breasts feel swollen, tender, throbbing, lumpy, and overly full. Sometimes, the swelling will extend all the way to your armpit, and you may run a low fever as well. The causes Within 72 hours of giving birth, an abundance of milk will come in or become available to your baby. As this happens, more blood will flow to your breasts and some of the surrounding tissue will swell. The result is full, swollen, engorged breasts. Not every postpartum mom experienced true engorgement. Some women's breasts become only slightly full, while others find their breasts have become amazingly hard. Some women will hardly notice the pain, as they are involved in other things during the first few days. Treating it Keep in mind, engorgement is a positive sign that you are producing milk to feed to your baby. Until you produce the right amount: 1. Wear a supportive nursing bra, even at night - making sure it isn't too tight. 2. Breast feed often, every 2 - 3 hours if you can. Try to get the first side of your breasts as soft as possible. If your baby seems satisfied with just one breast, you can offer the other at the next feeding. 3. Avoid letting your baby latch on and suck when the areola is very firm. To reduce the possibility of nipple damage, you can use a pump until your areola softens up. 4. Avoid pumping milk except when you need to soften the areola or when your baby is unable to latch on. Excessive pumping can lead to the over production of milk and prolonged engorgement. 5. To help soothe the pain and relieve swelling, apply cold packs to your breasts for a short amount of time after you nurse. Crushed ice in a plastic bag will also work. 6. Look ahead. You'll get past this engorgement in no time and soon be able to enjoy your breast feeding relationship with your new baby. Engorgement will pass very quickly. You can expect it to diminish within 24 - 48 hours, as nursing your baby will only help the problem. If you aren't breast feeding, it will normally get worse before it gets better. Once the engorgement has passed, your breasts will be softer and still full of milk. During this time, you can and should continue to nurse. Unrelieved engorgement can cause a drop in your production of milk, so it's important to breast feed right from the start. Keep an eye for signs of hunger and feed him when he needs to be fed. (word count 444) PPPPP

Should sleeping pills be advertised so openly?

Every day you pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV, you cannot avoid seeing ads for a range of drugs including sleeping pills. It seems like the pharmaceutical industry still has money to burn even though we are going through a recession. What's going on? Well, it's all to do with building up and then maintaining the brand. Marketing has become increasingly scientific. Focus groups are brought together and polled on what features for a product are the most important, how much we would pay for it, what we think about this slogan for selling it, and so on. The intention is to design an advertising campaign that will tell us what we most want to know about a product, explain why it's great value for money, and so on, all in the most memorable of prose and, on TV, backed up by the latest music from a top singer or group. That way, when we do fall ill, we can walk in to see our physician and ask for the drug we want by name. Except, we are all likely to forget a product's name. So the marketers endlessly repeat it wherever we go to reinforce brand awareness. Like Pavlov's dog who was taught to react when a bell rang, we are taught to respond with the leading brand name whenever a product type is mentioned.

Is it like this everywhere? Well, no. In the majority of other countries around the world, manufacturers are not allowed to market drugs directly to consumers. All the promotional effort is focussed on the medical profession. The reason is simple. When there is a choice between several drugs as a treatment for a particular condition, only a doctor is able to say which is the best for a particular patient. There are always costs and benefits in every drug and people have different medical histories and needs. There is no one-size fits all treatment for every person. In the US, the FDA has a special division tasked to keep advertising reasonably fair and honest. That's why, when you have a forty second ad on TV, thirty seconds is a voice listing the adverse side effects. The FDA thinks you should know the problems with each drug so you can make an informed decision on which is the best. Except listing all these side effects is bad for business. People are put off. That's what makes the latest round of ads so interesting.

The manufacturers of ambien have been running a new series of ads talking about the problems of insomnia but not mentioning any drug by name. Because no drug is mentioned, there is no need to list side effects. Everything can remain very positive. At the end of the ads, you are referred to www.silenceyourrooster.com where you read all about the drug and are offered a free trial. The question we have to ask is simple. As a nation, we are increasingly dependent on ambien to get us to sleep and keep us sleeping through the night. Is this desirable? Should we rely on a drug to help us sleep or look for a better way of getting a good night's rest? The FDA is right. It's your choice.

Breast Feeding Toddlers

Because more and more women are choosing to breast feed their babies, more and more are also finding that they enjoy it enough to continue longer than the first few months they planned on. Breast feeding to 3 - 4 years of age is common in much of the world recently, and is still common in many societies for toddlers to be breast fed. Because mothers and babies often enjoy to breast feed, you shouldn't stop it. After six months, many think that breast milk loses it's value - which isn't true. Even after six months, it still contains protein, fat, and other important nutrients which babies and children need. The fact is, immune factors in breast milk will protect the baby against infections. Breast milk also contains factors that will help the immune system mature, and other organs to develop and mature as well. It's been shown and proven in the past that children in daycare who are still breast feeding have far less severe infections than the children that aren't breast feeding. The mother will lose less work time if she chooses to continue nursing her baby once she is back to work. If you have thought about breast feeding your baby once he gets passed 6 months of age, you have made a wise decision. Although many feel that it isn't necessary, breast milk will always help babies and toddlers. Breast milk is the best milk you can give to your baby. No matter what others may tell you, breast feeding only needs to be stopped when you and the baby agree on it. You don't have to stop when someone else wants you to - you should only stop when you feel that it's the right time. (word count 291) PPPPP

Breast Feeding In Public

Babies that are breast fed are very portable and easy to comfort no matter where your schedule has you going. Many women however, worry about breast feeding in public. The worry of nursing in a public place is normally worse than the actual experience and often times the only people who notice you feeding are the other mothers who are doing the same thing. Many women find ways to breast feed discreetly. You can ask your partner or even a friend to stand in front of you while you lift your shirt from the waist. When you breast feed, the baby's body will cover most of your upper body and you can pull your shirt down to her face to cover the tops of your breast. Some mothers prefer to put a light blanket over their shoulders as a type of cover. When you are visiting someone else's home, you may feel more comfortable either leaving the room or turning away from people when you first put the baby to your breast. If you would like more privacy, breast feed in an empty room, car, or public restroom. A lot of restrooms are becoming more baby friendly and they even have a seperate are with a changing table and a chair. Several shopping malls now offer special mother's rooms where the mom can breast feed her baby in privacy, which will help sensitive babies who are too distracted by feeding to nurse well in public. It won't take long at all though, before your baby will learn to breast feed without any fuss at all. An alternative way is expressing or pumping your milk at home and then offer it in a bottle while in public. Keep in mind, offering bottles with artificial nipples in the first few weeks can and probably will interfere with breast feeding. When breast feeding in public, you should always use what works best for you. During the first few weeks, it will take some getting used to, as it will be as new for you as it is for the baby. With some time, you'll have no problems at all. If you don't feel comfortable breast feeding in a certain location, then you shouldn't. You should feel a certain level of comfort when you feed, as the baby can tell when you aren't comfortable doing something. If you show your baby that you aren't nervous - you and your baby will be just fine. (word count 410) PPPPP

Breast Feeding Complications

Sore nipples A lot of mothers complain about tender nipples that make breast feeding painful and frustrating. There is good news though, as most mothers don't suffer that long. The nipples will toughen up quickly and render breast feeding virtually painless. Improperly positioned babies or babies that suck really hard can make the breasts extremely sore. Below, are some ways to ease your discomfort: 1. Make sure your baby is in the correct position, since a baby that isn't positioned correctly is the number one cause of sore nipples. 2. Once you have finished feeding, expose your breasts to the air and try to protect them from clothing and other irritations. 3. After breast feeding, apply some ultra purified, medical grade lanolin, making sure to avoid petroleum jelly and other products with oil. 4. Make sure to wash your nipples with water and not with soap. 5. Many women find teabags ran under cold water to provide some relief when placed on the nipples. 6. Make sure you vary your position each time with feeding to ensure that a different area of the nipple is being compressed each time. Clogged milk ducts Clogged milk ducts can be identified as small, red tender lumps on the tissue of the breast. Clogged ducts can cause the milk to back up and lead to infection. The best way to unclog these ducts is to ensure that you've emptied as completely as possible. You should offer the clogged breast first at feeding time, then let your baby empty it as much as possible. If milk remains after the feeding, the remaining amount should be removed by hand or with a pump. You should also keep pressure off the duct by making sure your bra is not too tight. Breast infection Also known as mastititis, breast infection is normally due to empty breasts completely out of milk, germs gaining entrance to the milk ducts through cracks or fissures in the nipple, and decreased immunity in the mother due to stress or inadequate nutrition. The symptoms of breast infection include severe pain or soreness, hardness of the breast, redness of the breast, heat coming from the area, swelling, or even chills. The treatment of breast infection includes bed rest, antibiotics, pain relievers, increased fluid intake, and applying heat. Many women will stop breast feeding during an infection, although it's actually the wrong thing to do. By emptying the breasts, you'll actually help to prevent clogged milk ducts. If the pain is so bad you can't feed, try using a pump while laying in a tub of warm water with your breasts floating comfortably in the water. You should also make sure that the pump isn't electric if you plan to use it in the bath tub. You should always make sure that breast infections are treated promptly and completely or you may risk the chance of abscess. An abscess is very painful, involving throbbing and swelling. You'll also experience swelling, tenderness, and heat in the area of the abscess. If the infection progresses this far, your doctor may prescribe medicine and even surgery. (word count 517) PPPPP

Forget about gaining weight once and for all

One of the most difficult problems to solve when it comes to one's body is the problem of weight loss. Why does it have to be an issue? First of all, we want to say that it is not a problem unless you know when to stop. Just like with everything else, with food you have to be extremely careful. What do we mean by that? Food requires 100% of awareness and control of what you are doing. It is very easy to let yourself go and it is very difficult to bring yourself back in shape. With the amount of yummy food and fast-food that tastes absolutely delicious it is hard to stay indifferent. Calorie counting can be tiring and stressful that is one reason people don't control how much they eat. With a restaurant around every corner it is impossible to resist a nice meal. Some people try to fight their appetite but doctors say it is not healthy as your body requires it and you force yourself not to take a slice. That is very tough though. In order to stop yourself from getting into this psychologically disturbing hole one needs to start a program that would work for his body and be a positive key to his mind.

US market is full of medication that promises miracles. But miracles only work in mixture with will and determination. Without these two the medication fails. If you take advice from any specialist that dealt with the problem of obesity before he will surely tell you that nothing is every possible without the person actually realizing that he wants to lose weight and knowing why exactly he wants it. To maintain a carefree life, where you can take a bite without going crazy afterwards, without looking in the mirror and feeling sorry you have to stick to the golden rule - that is having limits.

When you think about diet pills you probably go like this: "Oh my God, it's another lie, I'm not buying it". But what would you say if somebody told you that there is a pill that will give your life a U-turn? Would you believe it or would you not? According to researches that were made in Minnesota people are more eager to believe that Santa exists than in diet pills. The respondents explained this lack of trust the following way: "To much lie is going on in the advertising. Manufacturers will tell you any story to get you to buy something. Reality is different though."

But... there is a drug that might be able to get your body back on the previous track - the drug is called Phentemine. Why is it so good? Let us start off by saying that these diet pills act on the central nervous system by affecting the hypothalamus gland that is in the brain. The heart beat rate increases by means of this pill and blood pressure results in decrease in one's appetite. Phentermine has its own story on the market. For a couple of decades it has been the number one diet pill in US giving a positive result to as many as millions of people. Incredible, isn't it?

You can order Phentermine online and save yourself some time. With the help of our site your body can become stronger and healthier. Isn't that what you always wanted?

Breast Feeding And Positioning

For some people, the process of breast feeding seems to come natural, although there's a level of skill required for successful feeding and a correct technique to use. Incorrect positioning is one of the biggest reasons for unsuccessful feeding and it can even injure the nipple or breast quite easily. By stroking the baby's cheek with the nipple, the baby will open its mouth towards the nipple, which should then be pushed in so that the baby will get a mouthful of nipple and areola. This position is known as latching on. A lot of women prefer to wear a nursing bra to allow easier access to the breast than other normal bras. The length of feeding time will vary. Regardless of the duration of feeding time, it's important for mothers to be comfortable. The following are positions you can use: 1. Upright - The sitting position where the back is straight. 2. Mobile - Mobile is where the mother carries her baby in a sling or carrier while breast feeding. Doing this allows the mother to breast feed in the work of everyday life. 3. Lying down - This is good for night feeds or for those who have had a caesarean section. 4. On her back - The mother is sitting slightly upright, also a useful position for tandem breast feeding. 5. On her side - The mother and baby both lie on their sides. 6. Hands and knees - In this feeding position the mother is on all fours with the baby underneath her. Keep in mind, this position isn't normally recommended. Anytime you don't feel comfortable with a feeding position, always stop and switch to a different position. Each position is different, while some mothers prefer one position, other's may like a totally different position. All you need to do is experiment and see which position is best for you. (word count 314) PPPPP

Breast Feeding And Jaundice

Jaundice is a result of buildup in the blood of the bilirubin, a yellow pigment that comes from the breakdown of older red blood cells. It's normal for the red blood cells to break down, although the bilirubin formed doesn't normally cause jaundice because the liver will metabolize it and then get rid of it in the gut. However, the newborn baby will often become jaundiced during the first few days due to the liver enzyme that metabolizes the bilirubin becoming relatively immature. Therefore, newborn babies will have more red blood cells than adults, and thus more will break down at any given time. Breast milk jaundice There is a condition that's commonly referred to as breast milk jaundice, although no one knows what actually causes it. In order to diagnose it, the baby should be at least a week old. The baby should also be gaining well with breast feeding alone, having lots of bowel movements with the passing of clean urine. In this type of setting, the baby has what is referred to as breast milk jaundice. On occasion, infections of the urine or an under functioning of the baby's thyroid gland, as well as other rare illnesses that may cause the same types of problems. Breast milk jaundice will peak at 10 - 21 days, although it can last for 2 - 3 months. Contrary to what you may think, breast milk jaundice is normal. Rarely, if at all ever, does breast feeding need to be stopped for even a brief period of time. If the baby is doing well on breast milk, there is no reason at all to stop or supplement with a lactation aid. (word count 280) PPPPP

Your heart and sexual activity

The pace at which medical science can advance is dictated by a number of cultural factors. In the case of erectile dysfunction, all research was extremely difficult because very few men were prepared to admit to sexual difficulties, let alone allow researchers to prod them around. Thus, until the late 1990's and the launch of the now famous little blue pills, most research was limited to the brave few who had the will and the money to try for an effective cure for their problems. Unfortunately, there were few options for them to explore. There were uncomfortable injections and vacuum pumps. People talked about experiments with male hormones, but nothing really came of that. It was only when the cultural revolution occurred and men ran to their doctors for prescriptions, that researchers could begin to get a better count on the number of men affected. The pills, of course, were an effective treatment for almost everyone. This further weakened the perceived need for research. With quick and convenient pills available, what more work needed to be done?

For a year or so, most general research into erectile dysfunction slowed but, as the full extent of the problem was recognized, another range of links could be made. The US has been collecting data on the health of the general population for many years. This is done by putting together medical records from doctors, clinics and hospitals. But, by its nature, it can only track the problems and diseases people admit to having. When several million men suddenly admitted to erectile dysfunction, a piece of the puzzle fell into place. The most common cause of erectile dysfunction is a physical breakdown in the control of the smooth muscle wall in the artery leading into the penis. Because this artery is smaller than most other arteries in the male body, it is the first to be affected by a build-up of plaque. In time, this can lead to arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. With the new evidence in place, it became obvious that men reporting erectile dysfunction were significantly more likely to experience heart problems four to five years later.

Now, when you go into see your doctor about a treatment for erectile dysfunction, you will be treated as a potential heart patient. Although it may seem an overreaction, you will be tested in a number of different ways and, if you seem predisposed to heart disease, preventative treatment will begin immediately. We now have almost eleven years of evidence to show that several million men who would otherwise have died from heart disease are still walking around today. So let's be direct about this. You could go online and buy cialis without a prescription. This is the best of the drugs to treat erectile dysfunction, allowing sexual responsiveness for a far longer time than any of the other drugs on the market. This may be good for you in avoiding the embarrassment of admitting your problem to your doctor. But it may be very bad for you if you deny yourself the tests that could save your life. Cialis is a great drug for dealing with erectile dysfunction. Do not deny yourself access to the other drugs that could save your life from heart disease.

Breast Feeding Adopted Babies

Not only is breast feeding an adopted baby easy, the chances are that you will produce a large amount of milk. It isn't complicated to do, although it is different than breast feeding a baby you have been pregnant with for 9 months. Breast feeding and milk There are two objectives that are involved in breast feeding an adopted baby. The first is getting your baby to breast feed, and the other is producing enough breast milk. There is more to breast feeding than just milk, which is why many mothers are happy to feed without expecting to produce milk in the way the baby needs. It's the closeness and the bond breast feeding provides that many mothers look for. Taking the breast Even though many feel the early introduction of bottles may interfere with breast feeding, the early introduction of artificial nipples can interfere a great deal. The sooner you can get the baby to the breast after birth, the better things will be. Babies will however, require the flow from the breast in order to stay attached and continue to suck, especially if they are used to getting flow from a bottle or other method of feeding. Producing breast milk As soon as you have an adopted baby in sight, contact a lactation clinic and start getting your milk supply ready. Keep in mind, you may never produce a full milk supply for your baby, although it may happen. You should never feel discouraged by what you may be pumping before the baby, as a pump is never quite as good at extracting milk as a baby who is well latched and sucking. (word count 275) PPPPP

Yet more scare stories?

One of the ways newspapers aim to sell more copies is to blanket the front page with a scoop. Every journalist dreams of getting one - if it's sensational enough, there's a chance of the Pulitzer and national recognition. Unfortunately, there are only one or two really sensational stories out there at any one time. Most of the news is the boring same-old, same-old. That's where the editors come riding into the rescue of their corporate owners. If there are no real scoops and factual stories are not going to sell, you have to tweak the facts to make them exciting. So, suddenly, the everyday becomes scary. Why scary, you ask. Because news about danger captures people's attention. It's something built into our genes. When people lived in caves, we needed to know if there was a sabre-tooth tiger outside waiting for a meal. Today, we need to know if killer tomatoes (those are the ones coated with E.Coli from the sewage processing plant next to the farm) are being sold in our local store. That's where the FDA and scientists come into the picture. They tell us when danger lurks. So, for food, The Centers for Disease Control estimates that tens of million people are made ill by the food they eat, hundreds of thousands are hospitalized and thousands die every year in the US. Hence the stories about the killer tomatoes, leafy greens and sprouts. All of which brings us to Bisphenol A (BPA) and erectile dysfunction.

It would be wonderful if all these new stories about BPA were an exaggeration and there was nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, that may not be the case. Let's start at the beginning. BPA is everywhere. It's used to make plastic, it lines food and drink cans, and when made into epoxy resin, it sticks things together. The scientific evidence is clear. When used in packaging, it leaches into the food and drink. Most every time we eat or drink out of a can, the odds favor us consuming some BPA. This is bad for infants and, in many countries around the world, the use of BPA in baby bottles has been banned. In the US, major chains like Wal-Mart and Toy "R" Us have already removed all infant products containing BPA from their shelves. The FDA has been reviewing all the evidence and is due to report on the level of danger in the next few months. Which brings us to new research published in Human Reproduction, funded by the US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, and carried out by an American company in China. It confirms that men exposed to high levels of BPA are up to seven times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than men who have no exposure.

The potential threat is serious because damage would not be reversible. Once toxic levels are reached in men, they would become impotent and no use of levitra would be able to restore erections. For once, there is real reason to watch out for the headlines when the FDA publish their report. If BPA is found too dangerous to use, it will require a revolution in the food packaging and plastics industry to find a safe alternative. If you have erectile dysfunction now, buy levitra. It is the most powerful and effective of all the drugs used to treat this problem.

Breast Compression

The sole purpose of breast compression is to continue the flow of milk to the baby once the baby no longer drinks on his own. Compression will also stimulate a let down reflex and often causes a natural let down reflex to occur. This technique may also be useful for the following: 1. Poor weight gain in the baby. 2. Colic in the breast fed baby. 3. Frequent feedings or long feedings. 4. Sore nipples for the mother. 5. Recurrent blocked ducts 6. Feeding the baby who falls asleep quick. If everything is going well, breast compression may not be necessary. When all is well, the mother should allow the baby to finish feeding on the first side, then if the baby wants more - offer the other side. How to use breast compression 1. Hold the baby with one arm. 2. Hold the breast with the other arm, thumb on one side of your breast, your finger on the other far back from the nipple 3. Keep an eye out for the baby's drinking, although there is no need to be obsessive about catching every suck. The baby will get more milk when drinking with an open pause type of suck. 4. When the baby is nibbling or no longer drinking, compress the breast, not so hard that it hurts though. With the breast compression, the baby should begin drinking again. 5. Keep up the pressure until the baby no longer drinks with the compression, then release the pressure. If the baby doesn't stop sucking with the release of compression, wait a bit before compressing again. 6. The reason for releasing pressure is to allow your hand to rest, and allow the milk to begin flowing to the baby again. If the baby stops sucking when you release the pressure, he'll start again once he tastes milk. 7. When the baby starts to suck again, he may drink. If not, simply compress again. 8. Continue feeding on the first side until the baby no longer drinks with compression. You should allow him time to stay on that side until he starts drinking again, on his own. 9. If the baby is no longer drinking, allow to come off the breast or take him off. 10. If the baby still wants more, offer the other side and repeat the process as above. 11. Unless you have sore nipples, you may want to switch sides like this several times. 12. Always work to improve the baby's latch. (word count 416) PPPPP

Benefits Of Breast Feeding

Once you've given birth, breast feeding is the single most important thing you can do to protect your baby and help to promote good health. Best of all, breast feeding is free. Along with saving you money on HMR (Human Milk Replacement), breast feeding can also help you to keep your medical bills down. Babies that are fed with formula get sicker more often and more seriously than babies that are breast fed They also have more ear infections, respiratory infections, and other problems. This can be even more true if your family has had a history of allergies. When a baby is breast fed, the antibodies pass on from the mother to the baby, helping to protect against illness and allergies. As the baby's system matures, his body will begin to make it's own antibodies, and he'll be more equipped to handle sensitivities of food. Sucking on the breast will also help with the development or jaw alignment and the development of the cheekbone. For this very reason, there is less of the need for costly orthodontic work when the child gets older. Unlike formula, breast milk is always ready, always available, convenient, and always the right temperature for feeding. Plus, it contains all of the vitamins and minerals your growing baby needs, saving you a lot of money. Breast feeding also offers many benefits for the mom as well. The baby sucking at the breast will cause contractions right after birth, leading to less bleeding for the mom, and helping her uterus to it's shape before pregnancy much faster. Breast feeding will also burn calories, so a mom can lose weight much faster than if she fed her baby with a bottle. Breast feeding will also create a special bond with the mother and the baby - which is one thing formula simpy cannot do. (word count 307) PPPPP

Insurance over the holidays

This is being written as we approach Thanksgiving and most people will be meeting up with family and friends to celebrate. As we plan for these big holidays, the main focus tends to be on planning the menu for the feast, buying the food and deciding who's going to be responsible for laying in the alcohol. Not that many take out the auto policy to check nothing will go wrong with their insurance. This is a mistake. There will be bumper-to-bumper traffic on all the main routes as everyone gets on to the road to get where they are going. These are the busiest times of the year on the road. At peak times on regular days, the usual suspects are making their commuter runs to and from work or dropping off the kids at school. These are the seasoned drivers with years of experience. Switch to a national holiday and you have a completely different look and feel to the roads.

The moment more drivers spend more time on the road, the chances of an accident increase dramatically. Instead of making short runs along familiar roads, whole families are suddenly loaded into cars for longer journeys along less familiar roads. There are a lot of weekend drivers all around you. With one driver and no passengers, it's easier to concentrate and, with fewer distractions, there's less risk of an accident. Fill the back seat with kids and the distractions are hard to ignore. The short, boring commuter trip is suddenly converted into a stressful epic. Worse, some drivers never think to have their vehicles go through a routine maintenance before setting out. The family car may be alright on short runs, but curl up and die when asked to cruise at high speeds down an interstate. Precautionary time in a repair shop will reduce the risk of an engine or tire blow-out but, in a recession with family budgets under pressure, most give this a miss. Those who are worried about their vehicles or know they need something bigger to fit in everyone and their baggage, rent a car. This puts them behind the wheel of something unfamiliar and the chances of an accident just increased again. Many carpool with family and friends - the people who still have SUVs find themselves in demand.

Put all these causes together and the chances of accidents are high. Now look at the auto insurance quotes and resulting policy. If you are proposing to share the driving in your vehicle on a long journey, are you insured for more than one named driver? Are you insured when driving a vehicle belonging to someone else, whether a family member, friend or rental company. If you have rented a vehicle, what's the relationship between your own insurance policy and the policy the rental company may be selling? Now the hard questions. If you only drive with the mandatory minimum cover, what happens to the medical bills if you and your family are injured? It may be worth looking at short-term medical cover for yourself and your passengers. It may be worth covering the cost of repairing or replacing your own vehicle if it's damaged or totaled. Get multiple auto insurance quotes to get the best protection. Stay safe on the roads and and have peace of mind.

Avoiding Foods While Breast Feeding

Many women find that they can eat whatever they may like during breast feeding. Even though it's true that some stongly favored foods can change the taste of your milk, many babies seem to enjoy the varieties of breast milk flavors. Occasionally, your baby may get cranky at the breast after you eat certain foods. If you notice this happening, simply avoid that particular food. The most common offenders duing breast feeding include chocolate, spices, citrus fruits, garlic, chili, lime, gassy vegetables, and fruits with laxative type effects, such as prunes and cherries. You can have a cup or two of coffee a day, although too much caffeine can interfere with your baby's sleep and even make him or her cranky. Keep in mind, caffeine is found in many soda's, tea, and even over the counter type medicine as well. It's okay to have an alcoholic beverage every now and the, although having more than one drink can increase your blood alcohol level, putting the alcohol into your breast milk. If you are planning to have more than one drink at a time, it's best to wait two hours or more per drink before you resume any type of nursing or breast feeding. There is no need to pump and dump unless your breasts are full and its time to feed your baby. While breast feeding, any type of heavy drinking should be avoided. Before you actually omit any foods from your diet, you should talk to your doctor. If you avoid certain foods and it causes a nutritional imbalance, you may need to see a nutritionist for advice on taking other foods or getting nutritional supplements. (word count 277) PPPPP

Three of The Best Makers of Elliptical Trainers

You may be wondering what are the absolute best elliptical trainers that are on the market today. Some of the best elliptical trainers come form the three most common names that you may be hearing about on the market. Precor, Sole and Smooth, so far are dominating the market and are providing some of the best elliptical trainers that money can buy. After hearing these names so frequently, it is no wonder that they are providing the best elliptical trainers. Precor not only provides some of the best elliptical trainers but they also are one of the most respected manufacturers on the market. Their machines are considered among the best elliptical trainers because they not only have some of the best technology, but they also have some of the best quality parts used within the industry. They have some of the best quality construction as well as making sure that their machines have the best elliptical motion design. The elliptical motion design is very important as it will help you prevent injuries, as well as make your workout much more comfortable and enjoyable. Another reason why Precor provides some of the best elliptical trainers is due to their lifetime frame warranty, as well as a ten year warranty on parts and one year on service. This shows that Precor itself can and will stand behind their product, which lets consumers know that their company feels like they provide the best elliptical trainers, because they give you one of the best and longest warranties. Smooth not only provides the best elliptical trainers, but also the highest rated ones. It is no wonder that Smooth actual sells the most equipment over the Internet then any other manufacturer which is a good indication as to why Smooth is considered to provide some of the best elliptical trainers on the market today. Smooth even has a patented adjustable foot pedal motion, which lets the user adjust their height. Their machines also have some of the highest weight capacities up to about three-hundred-and-twenty-five pounds. Another feature that can be found on Smooth machines, is how the machine does not make any noise during your workout. Along with their great warranty and high customer satisfaction, it is no wonder that Smooth provides some of the best elliptical trainers and is a lead seller in the industry. Sole is newer to the elliptical market then Precor or Smooth, however, they are providing some very top quality machines as well, which is why they have have also joined the ranks of providing best elliptical trainers. Not only does Sole provide one of the best warranties within the industry, bu they also have one of the largest stride lengths to be found on any machine. The average machine has a stride length between twelve and sixteen inches. However, Sole has a stride length of twenty inches, which is ideal for burning more calories as well as taller users. Their machines also cater to larger frames as they can hold people up to four hundred pounds. These manufacturers provide some of the best elliptical trainers you can find. They are trusted and well respected names that you can buy form with confidence.

Who Makes The Best Elliptical Trainer?

There are so many elliptical machines on the market, but who really does make the best elliptical trainer? You may think that it is only a matter of preference and opinion of who makes the best elliptical trainer, however this is not the case. There is actually a manufacturer who by far is rated in making the best elliptical trainer. They are know as Precor. If you have looked into Elliptical trainers, then you surely have heard of Precor machines, however you may be wondering why they are considered to make the best elliptical trainers. Precor has what they call the EFX series which vary in features but have one common thread to have them considered the best elliptical trainer. One of the best features of an EFX and one of the reasons of why it is considered the best elliptical trainer, is the ease of use. By having a machine that is easy to use, it makes your workout a lot more enjoyable, then wasting time trying to figure out what buttons to press and how to track your workout. The impact of a elliptical trainer is normally low, however with the EFX, it maintains a even lower impact then most average elliptical trainers, which is another reason why this is rated the best elliptical trainer. Because of the extremely low impact that the EFX provides, your workouts on the machine seem easier then doing simple aerobic exercises even though you are working your body out just as hard. This adds a great benefit to users of the machine as they do not have to worry about feeling strained or fatigued. This can greatly assist newcomers who are trying to get into shape, into helping them build more mental confidence as well as dedication to using the machine to get their bodies into shape. This also encourages people to use the machine as it does not feel strenuous, but does provide a great workout at the same time. This low impact is not easily found on other elliptical machines, which is why this feature stands out on a EFX and is another great contribution as to why this machine is looked at as the best elliptical trainer. Besides these great benefits that help make the EFX considered the best elliptical trainer, the EFX is backed up by a ten year warranty which is one of the best warranties offered for elliptical machines and goes beyond the standard warranty within its industry. This shows the quality and confidence that is put into the EFX which shows that Precor stands behind their products and is no surprise why they are considered as providing the best elliptical trainer. For all of these reasons, you can see why Precor offers what is not only considered the best elliptical trainer, but also in providing the most superior machines that can not be rivaled by many. After being in business for over twenty-five years, it is no wonder why Precor achieves such a high reputation in providing the best elliptical trainer in the industry.

What Is So Great About The Proform Crossover Elliptical Trainer?

What Is So Great About The Proform Crossover Elliptical Trainer? Have you heard about the Proform crossover elliptical trainer? If not, then you may be wondering what is so great about the Proform crossover elliptical trainer? If you have heard about the Proform crossover elliptical trainer then you know there are a lot of great features that make the Proform crossover elliptical trainer not just a great elliptical machine, but also a cardio and strength training machine as well. We will go over some of the many features that the Proform crossover elliptical trainer and let you decide if it is as great as its manufacturers say it is. The first thing that you may notice about the Proform crossover elliptical trainer, is that it is extremely compact, especially for all the ways that you can use the Proform crossover elliptical trainer. If you were to take a quick look at the Proform crossover elliptical trainer, you would not think that it has nine built in, ERC driven workouts. With the Proform crossover elliptical trainer, you can actually do over sixty-five total body exercises which is very amazing. The Proform crossover elliptical trainer is actual a two in one cross over system, which is like having two separate machines in one making the Proform crossover elliptical trainer very effective. Somehow, Proform managed to fit all of this into a amazingly compact design. Another great feature on the Proform crossover elliptical trainer is that the built in LCD display is above average. Not only will it keep track of your time, calories burned and pace while you are using the Proform crossover elliptical trainer, but it will also keep track of your sets and repetitions. This makes the Proform crossover elliptical trainer have a great and convenient tracking system that is so far unchallenged. Another great feature that can be found on the Proform crossover elliptical trainer, is that the resistance level ranges from five to two-hundred-and-forty-pounds. That leaves room for the average person to the extreme athlete to be able to workout with a sufficient amount of weight. Another bonus to the weight resistance, is that you can add and decrease the weight resistance by as little as one single pound. This feature alone rivals gym equipment that you usually have to jump from the average of five to ten pounds when you want to add or decrease more weight. The Proform crossover elliptical trainer still has standard Elliptical trainer features such as a standard eighteen inch stride length, when the Proform crossover elliptical trainer is in elliptical mode. The Proform crossover elliptical trainer also has grip pulse heart rate sensors which is another added convenience to the Proform crossover elliptical trainer. The only drawback of the Proform crossover elliptical trainer is the ninety day warranty, however the Proform crossover elliptical trainer is listed under one-thousand dollars, which is most likely why it comes with such a short warranty. Overall, the Proform crossover elliptical trainer is a fairly well put together machine and has a lot of value for the price you pay.

What Are The Benefits Of An Elliptical Trainer?

More then likely you have heard about an elliptical trainer.. You know what they are, you know what an elliptical trainer looks like, but how exactly does an elliptical trainer benefit you? Many people can look at a Elliptical trainer, but they really do not understand how an elliptical trainer can really benefit them. We will go over some key benefits of the many benefits that a elliptical trainer provides which will show you why they are becoming more popular then ever. The biggest benefit of an Elliptical trainer is the time you can save by using this machine. There are many people who lead extremely busy lives and do not have a great deal of free time to spend exercising and keep their body in good health. With an Elliptical trainer, you can eliminate the need to not only go to a gym to work out, but it will also eliminate the time, money and effort to join a gym. This machine is very convenient to use and it provides a full body workout in less then thirty minutes. This is very good news to hear for someone that has a very limited amount of time to schedule into their busy day for working out. Another key benefit of an Elliptical trainer is that they have very low impact and do not require any specific muscular skill. Low impact basically means that you have the lowest risk of obtaining an injury form using the machine for your workouts. This is very beneficial when you compare working out with weights and other fitness machines. A elliptical trainer also does not require you to perform strenuous positions or have strength requirement to use the machine. You can be on any muscular skill level and still reap the benefits of an elliptical trainer. This is what makes an elliptical trainer a versatile workout machine for all body types and age groups. You can have one Elliptical trainer in your home and it can be used by your entire household to maintain a strong fitness level for everyone in your home. A elliptical trainer also provides cardiovascular and weight loss benefits. A Elliptical trainer is proven to strengthen your heart over continual use which reduces your chances for heart problems in the future. This can decrease your chances of such problems as a heart attack, heart disease and strokes for the future. In addition to maintaining a healthy heart, by continually using a elliptical trainer, you also increase your metabolism. By increasing your metabolism, you burn fat calories much quicker, thus preventing weight gain and promoting weight loss throughout your body. This will tone your muscles such as your back, arms, legs, and stomach. A Elliptical trainer can help you maintain a healthy body by using a simple routine that can fit different age groups and body types. It is no wonder that these machines are becoming very popular and are in high demand. An elliptical trainer has many benefits that will cater to any of us while also helping us lead healthier lives through daily exercise.

What Are Center Drive Elliptical Trainers?

You have heard about elliptical trainers, however you may not know what center drive elliptical trainers are. You do not want to confuse center drive elliptical trainers with the average elliptical machines on the market, because center drive elliptical trainers do have some differences that are superior to your standard elliptical machines. Any time you hear about center drive elliptical trainers, you must be wondering why they call them center drive elliptical trainers and not just elliptical trainers. The reason is, is that center drive elliptical trainers have a different technology that separates them from normal elliptical trainers. They use a center drive technology, which is where they get their names of center drive elliptical trainers from. Now many people do not know about this new technology and how it changes how center drive elliptical trainers work and why they are regarded as superior to the everyday elliptical machine. Center drive technology helps users having better posture and even more comfort during their workouts which can only be found on center drive elliptical trainers. This is why center drive elliptical trainers make your workout feel more natural. Because of this technology, center drive elliptical trainers are even more safer to use then regular elliptical trainers. The center drive technology makes the center drive elliptical trainers safer, because with better posture and having the machine move with your bodies natural movements, this leaves very little room if any at all to cause any injury to your body. Elliptical machines that do not move with your bodies fluid movements create a higher risk of the user injuring themselves, which is why center drive elliptical trainers are especially good for older people as well as women who have a higher risk of injury while exercising on elliptical machines. The center drive technology is actually patented, which is why you will notice that Key Fitness, who is a highly dependable and respected brand on the market, is the only manufacturer providing this technology. Key fitness has a few great center drive elliptical trainers that you can find on the market. One is the Center G2. Keys Fitness offers some very great quality products which makes their center drive elliptical trainer very appealing especially with their warranty. Their center drive elliptical trainer has a lifetime warranty on the frame, a three year warranty on the parts, as well as a one year warranty on labor. Key Fitness also has a G3 which is another center drive elliptical trainers. The G3 offers a slightly better warranty as well as a few extra features such as a customizable stride length of seventeen inches up to twenty-one inches, versus a set twenty-one inch stride length. This feature on this center drive elliptical trainer can be useful for families or people who have multiple users with different stride length requirements, which will make their workout more enjoyable. Another center drive elliptical trainer is the Iron Man CDT. This is an entry level center drive elliptical trainer, and has all of the great benefits of any iron man machine, but with the added bonus of being a center drive elliptical trainer which makes it more appealing then regular ironman Elliptical trainers. Center drive elliptical trainers provide more comfort and a safer workout environment. The center drive elliptical trainers are great to look into and have many great features that can be found on regular elliptical machines. Remember that you can only find center drive elliptical trainers through Key Fitness since this is a patented technology.

Various Features Of Precor Elliptical Trainers

The EFX Precor elliptical trainers are considered some of the best elliptical trainers. There are five different types of Precor elliptical trainers in the EFX series. These different EFX Precor elliptical trainers have various features. However some of the features on the different models of EFX Precor elliptical trainers can be found on all of the models. We will look at the common and different features that can be found on EFX Precor elliptical trainers. Despite which one of the EFX Precor elliptical trainers that you select, all of them share a common theme that each machine will move harmoniously in alignment with your bodies natural movements. These machines are known for having lower impact then most Elliptical machines, which makes them very comfortable as you can exercise on them in a natural motion. Despite what type of the EFX Precor elliptical trainers you buy, all of them have this common feature, which makes even the cheapest EFX Precor elliptical trainer you select appealing. Each one of the Precor elliptical trainers also has a electronic readout console. The only variations are the features as the higher end EFX Precor elliptical trainers have more readout features to work with then the lower end models. Despite the limited features of the consoles for the lower end EFX Precor elliptical trainers, the consoles are still a great feature. All of the EFX Precor elliptical trainers have the same basic readout displays such as calories burned, heart rate, strides per minute, time and much more. Each one of the EFX Precor elliptical trainers has up to twenty resistance levels, however, the EFX 5.19 is the only one that does not have cross-training features. However the EFX 5.19 makes up for this as none of the other EFX Precor elliptical trainers do not have hill climb except for the EFX 5.33. This is a great feature that Precor made available for their lowest budgeted EFX machine that cannot be found on some of the higher end models. So a buyer can still enjoy this great feature on a budget, with buyers who are willing to spend more, must get the most expensive model of all of the EFX Precor elliptical trainers to enjoy this feature. This is a great idea that equalizes the different features, so that even people on a limited budget can enjoy benefits that are only found on the most expensive model of the EFX Precor elliptical trainers. The EFX 5.23 is the only one out of all of the EFX Precor elliptical trainers that can target muscles. This feature cannot be found on any other of the Precor elliptical trainers which can make this model stand out for users who find this feature appealing. All of the EFX Precor elliptical trainers have a great deal of similarities, however they also have their own specific features that make them stand out. One common theme that the EFX Precor elliptical trainers share, are that they offer great features for multiple types of users and they are backed up by a great warranty by a company with a great reputation.