Benefits Of Breast Feeding

Once you've given birth, breast feeding is the single most important thing you can do to protect your baby and help to promote good health. Best of all, breast feeding is free. Along with saving you money on HMR (Human Milk Replacement), breast feeding can also help you to keep your medical bills down. Babies that are fed with formula get sicker more often and more seriously than babies that are breast fed They also have more ear infections, respiratory infections, and other problems. This can be even more true if your family has had a history of allergies. When a baby is breast fed, the antibodies pass on from the mother to the baby, helping to protect against illness and allergies. As the baby's system matures, his body will begin to make it's own antibodies, and he'll be more equipped to handle sensitivities of food. Sucking on the breast will also help with the development or jaw alignment and the development of the cheekbone. For this very reason, there is less of the need for costly orthodontic work when the child gets older. Unlike formula, breast milk is always ready, always available, convenient, and always the right temperature for feeding. Plus, it contains all of the vitamins and minerals your growing baby needs, saving you a lot of money. Breast feeding also offers many benefits for the mom as well. The baby sucking at the breast will cause contractions right after birth, leading to less bleeding for the mom, and helping her uterus to it's shape before pregnancy much faster. Breast feeding will also burn calories, so a mom can lose weight much faster than if she fed her baby with a bottle. Breast feeding will also create a special bond with the mother and the baby - which is one thing formula simpy cannot do. (word count 307) PPPPP

Insurance over the holidays

This is being written as we approach Thanksgiving and most people will be meeting up with family and friends to celebrate. As we plan for these big holidays, the main focus tends to be on planning the menu for the feast, buying the food and deciding who's going to be responsible for laying in the alcohol. Not that many take out the auto policy to check nothing will go wrong with their insurance. This is a mistake. There will be bumper-to-bumper traffic on all the main routes as everyone gets on to the road to get where they are going. These are the busiest times of the year on the road. At peak times on regular days, the usual suspects are making their commuter runs to and from work or dropping off the kids at school. These are the seasoned drivers with years of experience. Switch to a national holiday and you have a completely different look and feel to the roads.

The moment more drivers spend more time on the road, the chances of an accident increase dramatically. Instead of making short runs along familiar roads, whole families are suddenly loaded into cars for longer journeys along less familiar roads. There are a lot of weekend drivers all around you. With one driver and no passengers, it's easier to concentrate and, with fewer distractions, there's less risk of an accident. Fill the back seat with kids and the distractions are hard to ignore. The short, boring commuter trip is suddenly converted into a stressful epic. Worse, some drivers never think to have their vehicles go through a routine maintenance before setting out. The family car may be alright on short runs, but curl up and die when asked to cruise at high speeds down an interstate. Precautionary time in a repair shop will reduce the risk of an engine or tire blow-out but, in a recession with family budgets under pressure, most give this a miss. Those who are worried about their vehicles or know they need something bigger to fit in everyone and their baggage, rent a car. This puts them behind the wheel of something unfamiliar and the chances of an accident just increased again. Many carpool with family and friends - the people who still have SUVs find themselves in demand.

Put all these causes together and the chances of accidents are high. Now look at the auto insurance quotes and resulting policy. If you are proposing to share the driving in your vehicle on a long journey, are you insured for more than one named driver? Are you insured when driving a vehicle belonging to someone else, whether a family member, friend or rental company. If you have rented a vehicle, what's the relationship between your own insurance policy and the policy the rental company may be selling? Now the hard questions. If you only drive with the mandatory minimum cover, what happens to the medical bills if you and your family are injured? It may be worth looking at short-term medical cover for yourself and your passengers. It may be worth covering the cost of repairing or replacing your own vehicle if it's damaged or totaled. Get multiple auto insurance quotes to get the best protection. Stay safe on the roads and and have peace of mind.

Avoiding Foods While Breast Feeding

Many women find that they can eat whatever they may like during breast feeding. Even though it's true that some stongly favored foods can change the taste of your milk, many babies seem to enjoy the varieties of breast milk flavors. Occasionally, your baby may get cranky at the breast after you eat certain foods. If you notice this happening, simply avoid that particular food. The most common offenders duing breast feeding include chocolate, spices, citrus fruits, garlic, chili, lime, gassy vegetables, and fruits with laxative type effects, such as prunes and cherries. You can have a cup or two of coffee a day, although too much caffeine can interfere with your baby's sleep and even make him or her cranky. Keep in mind, caffeine is found in many soda's, tea, and even over the counter type medicine as well. It's okay to have an alcoholic beverage every now and the, although having more than one drink can increase your blood alcohol level, putting the alcohol into your breast milk. If you are planning to have more than one drink at a time, it's best to wait two hours or more per drink before you resume any type of nursing or breast feeding. There is no need to pump and dump unless your breasts are full and its time to feed your baby. While breast feeding, any type of heavy drinking should be avoided. Before you actually omit any foods from your diet, you should talk to your doctor. If you avoid certain foods and it causes a nutritional imbalance, you may need to see a nutritionist for advice on taking other foods or getting nutritional supplements. (word count 277) PPPPP